These efforts have raised hopes for a more permanent solution to the problem of endangered California gray sea lions. In October 2013, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife started looking for long-term solutions to the gray sea lion's dwindling population. The agency wanted to study the population's relationship with marine life, and was particularly interested in whether or not the gray sea lion would survive a natural mortality event, such as sea ice loss or a storm of heavy rains. They also needed to figure out what factors led to these population declines. They were interested in studying the health of the gray seabirds in hopes of finding ways to prevent the birds from going extinct. 1
- This information has been added by the organisers of the games. No other30h264-l9_full.mkvThis year, a team of engineers and biologists has developed several novel tools to discover more about sea lions by gathering more data. They've developed a platform to analyze the animal's physiology, behavior, and habitat using sophisticated software. They've developed a tool to analyze data from camera traps; the tool uses high-resolution images to help determine whether or not a animal was spotted. The team has also developed a software package for monitoring sea lions on the West Coast.
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* So they asked the best expert hunters on the West Coast to help. They brought on Kevin K. Treser from the University of California Santa Cruz, and he recruited former Navy SEALs, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and biologist Jeff R. Hall from the University of Wyoming. Their program will be named the San Bruno Monitoring Collaborative Initiative. HERE